I happen to be the world's worst person at being still. Anyone who knows me knows that I am always moving, walking, running, biking, cleaning, baking, sewing...anything EXCEPT being still. If I am still, I am playing solitaire. I was thinking about this during one quiet moment of my day today and am realizing how much I am missing. Most of us, including me, are on a continual search to make sense of our lives. I have spent much time watching others, reading books, and striving to DO what was "right." When all pretty much failed, I found myself down in the mud. I have spent the last year or more wondering why I woke up with a face plant in the mud. Well, I am seriously wondering if spending more time being still...doing nothing but pondering the activities of my heart and mind would be more beneficial than DOING so much. After all, it was Mary's heart that pleased Jesus so much, and not Martha's. I know God holds all the answers to my life and the answers to my heart's deepest desires and longings. He created me. He knows me best and loves me. I aim to spend more time being still and leaning on my Creator. I have a strong feeling that I may have a deeper sense of peace and understanding in addition to a better relationship with my Father.
So in the attitude of stillness....

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